Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 65 Rosemary Vinaigrette

The Recipe ReDux for December is “Grab a Book and Cook,”  To close out the year we were challenged to find a cookbook recipe on a page # that has any combo of 2017 and put our own creative spin on it. One of the first books I grabbed was Anthony Sepe’s “What’s Cooking Recipes from America’s Greatest Dietitian’s andChefs.”  On page 217,  I came across a Classic Vinaigrette dressing recipe that I thought it would be fun to change up a bit.  I substituted rice vinegar for the red wine and balsamic ones, used garlic salt instead of fresh garlic and tried rosemary instead of chives. The combo came out great and it is a nice subtle dressing that can go with a variety of salads!  I hope you will give my recipe, and the original a try, as well as all the other creations from the Recipe ReDux Group.  Happy holidays!!

The original recipe:

My Version:


3 tablespoons olive oil
6 Tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
¼ cup low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
¼ teaspoon garlic salt
½ teaspoon dried rosemary


Whisk all of the ingredients in a small bowl and serve.  Refrigerate for up to a few days if not using immediately.

Makes ¾ cup, about 6 servings  

Serving Size: 2 Tablespoons Calories 66 Protein  0 g Carb  6 g Fiber  0 g Sugars 5 g Fat 7 g saturated fat  <1 g="" sodium="" span="" style="mso-spacerun: yes;"> 307 mg


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 64 Festive Sautéed Brussel Sprouts with Tomatoes

November’s Recipe ReDux is “Naturally Colored Treats and Trimmings” and the challenge was to create a sweet or savory dish centered around the colors of the season.  I decided to go with savory and have wanted to create a new Brussels sprout side dish for awhile, so I knew I had the green color right there. When brainstorming about the red I thought I’d try tomatoes since it seemed like an interesting combo and the result was a simple and quick dish that successfully relies a lot on the flavor of these beautifully paired red and green veggies. I hope will try it out this holiday season along with many of the other dishes of naturally festive hues created by the talented Recipe ReDux crew!


10 ounces cups of  raw Brussels sprouts- stems trimmed and halved   
1 tablespoon olive oil
¾ cup halved cherry or grape tomatoes
salt, pepper, garlic salt


Cook the Brussels sprouts until almost done- they can be cooked by either boiling them in a pot of water, steaming in a pyrex dish in an half inch of water for about 4 minutes. Drain the cooked Brussels add them to a medium-large pan coated with the olive oil and sauté on medium high heat until starting to brown, about 3-4 minutes Then put in the tomatoes and continue to sauté for another 1-2 minutes until the tomatoes have softened.  Serve with salt /garlic and pepper to taste.

Makes 2 1/2 cups (5 servings)

Serving size: ½ cup Calories 53 Protein 2 g Carb 5 g Fiber 2 g Sugars 1 g Fat 3 g saturated fat 0 g Sodium 11 mg (not including salt/garlic salt)


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Latest News and Recipes From the Cranberry Institute

Check out the latest cranberry news and  a delicious recipe courtesy of the Cranberry Institute!

A Wonderful Cranberry Recipe!

We’re celebrating #FreshCranFriday with the help of Carlene Thomas, RDN, of Healthfully Ever After – who is creating some unique new dishes with our favorite red berry. Check out her latest recipe Country Cranberry Chili.

Cranberry Health Research Library 
Browse the selections by year to find the most recent publications: doclib/doclib_search.cgi

We’re also taking this opportunity to remind you that The Cranberry Institute has an assortment of sharable, cranberry resources that are great year-round.

The newest addition to our library of cranberry information is 4 Seasons, 4 Reasons for Cranberries Year-Round. With tips for each season and delicious recipes for you to try and share, we hope you find it useful in your practice, as well as your kitchen.

And here’s more from The Cranberry Institute’s files: 

All About Cranberries

Resources on Added Sugars

The Latest in Cranberries and Health
Dried Cranberries and Gut Health
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison discovered that one handful-a-day of sweetened dried cranberries may make a significant change in the gut microbiome. In a recent study in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, the addition of a typical serving (42 grams; 125 calories) of this tangy fruit resulted in positive changes in the bacterial make-up and proteins present in healthy adults after only two weeks. 

Reference: Bekiares N, Krueger CG, Meudt JJ, Shanmuganayagam D, Reed JD. Effect of Sweetened Dried  Cranberry Consumption on  Urinary Proteome and Fecal  Microbiome in Healthy Human  Subjects.OMICS. 2017 Jun 15. doi: 10.1089/omi.2016.0167. [Epub ahead of print]

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Recipe Redux Post # 63 Blueberry Overnight Oats

The Recipe ReDux for October is “Good Gut Health."  Being that the dreaded cold and flu season is just around the corner we were encouraged develop recipes utilizing ingredients to promote gut health, which fosters overall immunity.  When I was researching key foods that are good for the gut, oats and chia seeds were on the list since they contain prebiotics (mostly fiber) that the gut bacteria feed on and this fermentation produces beneficial by-products for the gut. Of course I had to incorporate yogurt with its naturally contained live culture probiotics too!  Overnight oats are all the rage and I wanted to try my luck at developing my own recipe for them, namely since I could use all of the above ingredients.  As an overnight oats newbie, I lucked out with a nice basic combo or rolled oats, Greek yogurt, chia seeds and milk.  Using a flavored yogurt worked perfectly so I didn’t have to add any additional sweetener and the chia seeds worked great to thicken it up perfectly. Though I chose blueberry yogurt, most any flavor should work (thinking or trying strawberry or pumpkin flavored next- yum!!)  The possibilities with last minute mix ins are endless, and I added banana and bluberries, (which are also gut friendly prebiotic ingredients). The dehydrated blueberries added a nice crunch and nuts would be another great addition as well. This recipe is a powerhouse of healthy carbs, fiber, protein, omega fatty acids, antioxidants and gut friendly ingredients all in one. I hope you will try it along with the other Gut Friendly Recipes from the Recipe ReDux group!


½ cup rolled oats (use gluten free if you are on a GF diet)
one 5 oz container of blueberry Greek yogurt (we used chobani)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
¼ cup milk (we used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
optional mix ins- banana, blueberries (fresh, dired or dehydrated) nuts, coconut


In a small bowl combine the oats, yogurt, chia seeds and milk. Refrigerate in a 8 z mason jar or airtight container for 4-8 hours, add mix ins (additional mil if desired) and serve.

Makes 1 serving

Serving size: 1 recipe (not including mix ins)  Calories 340 Protein  20 g Carb 51 g Fiber 10 g Sugars 16 g Fat 9 g Saturated fat g Sodium  84 mg

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Trader Joes Treasure Post # 3: Everything But the Bagel Sesame Seasoning

Thought I'd share another Trader Joes product that is popular in our household. It is called "Everything But the Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend" and its REALLY tasty!!  We love to sprinkle it on cooked vegetables, salad, toast... and I even used it in my previously posted "Everything" Baked Broccoli and Tofu recipe.  1/4 teaspoon is just 5 calories, and 80 mg of sodium. It brings the taste of everything bagels to liven up other foods!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 62 “Everything” Baked Broccoli and Tofu

September’s Recipe ReDux is “Sheet Pan Meals” where our challenge was to create an entrée that is cooked all together on one sheet for a simple meal with less clean up!  This was a fun one for me because aside from pizza, or maybe lasagna, I had never really cooked an all in one meal in the oven!  My daughter loves tofu and broccoli and I happened to have those on hand, not to mention the new Trader Joes “Everything But the Bagel” seasoning in my cupboard which I had been waiting to try!! After pressing the tofu, I combined cubes of it and broccoli with a simple sauce and the seasoning , baked it in the oven and it came out delicious! If you do not have the Trader Joes seasoning you can also substitute plain sesame seeds as well. I hope you will try it along with the other Sheet Pan creations from the RecipeReDux group!


¼ cup low sodium soy sauce (use gluten free brand if on gluten-free diet)
2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon Traders Joes “Everything But the Bagel” seasoning or sesame seeds
16 ounces extra firm tofu, cut into ½ inch cubes
8 cups raw broccoli florets
parchment paper or cooking spray


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, vinegar, oil, garlic power and seasoning/sesame seeds.  Add the tofu to a large bowl, pour in half of the soy sauce mixture and toss to coat.  Spread the tofu on one side of a large baking sheet topped with parchment paper or coated with cooking spray.  Add the broccoli to the bowl, pour in the second half of the sauce and mix to coat.  Spread the broccoli on the other half of baking sheet.  Bake for 15 minutes, turn over and then bake for another 5-10 minutes until lightly browned.  Sprinkle with additional sesame seeds for serving if desired

Makes 6 heaping cups 6 servings

Serving size: 1 heaping cup  Calories 190 Protein  14 g Carb 9 g Fiber 2 g Sugars 3 g Fat 9 g Saturated fat g Sodium  655 mg

Sunday, September 17, 2017

In the News: The Latest and the Greatest From the Cranberry Institute

Check out the latest news and recipe sent to me from the Cranberry Institute!
Cranberries and Health
Deep Data Dive: Cranberry Products and UTIs
Even with evidence to support the health benefits of a food, assessing the culmination of data allows practitioners to confidently make recommendations to their clients and patients. This is true for the medicinal use of cranberry products to protect against urinary tract infections (UTIs). Led by Ângelo Luís, a team of scientists took on the task of taking a deep dive into clinical studies involving cranberry products and UTI. The systematic review and meta-analysis of data revealed that through the years, studies have confirmed that there is significant support of the use of cranberry products in reducing the incidence of urinary tract infections. Their work also found that for those with some risk for UTIs, the effects of cranberry products were more pronounced. The outcome of their analyses provided support for their conclusion statements: [the results] could be used by physicians to recommend the ingestion of cranberries to decrease the incidence of UTIs, particularly in patients with recurrent UTIs.

With just a few exclusive months of fresh cranberry season, the weeks between late September and early December are some of our favorites! There are just so many fresh cranberry recipes, and so little time!

Below, we’ve shared some of our favorite ways to use the first fresh cranberries of the season. Over the next few weeks, we’re excited to see how you enjoy the #FirstCranberriesOfTheSeason!

4 Reasons, 4 Seasons 
We LOVE fresh cranberry season – but that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy cranberries all year! Our newest resource, 4 Seasons, 4 Reasons for Cranberries Year-Round, can help your readers discover a healthy reason – and recipe – to enjoy cranberries (and their health benefits) during every season of the year.

And don’t let these Insta-worthy recipes go unnoticed – keep an eye out for news in just a few weeks with the annual Cranberry Friendsgiving Photo Contest (hint: there will be $4,000 in prizes!).

Follow us! 
In case you missed it: The Cranberry Institute is tweeting! Please tweet with us, tagging @CranInstitute and using #CranberryBogBlogger to share your blogs, recipes and cran-thoughts!

Cranberry Health Research Library 
Browse the selections by year to find the most recent publications:

Cranberry Institute
P.O. Box 497
Carver, MA 02330

Saturday, September 2, 2017

New Segment: Nutrition News Bites!

I've decided to start a new segment called "Nutrition News Bites" to provide some interesting updates going on in the world and nutrition all in one post.  Here is the first edition, enjoy!

Check out this great review on color additives that discusses labeling considerations, labeling and safety!

There was a huge study published about the benefits of plant based eating, recently. This large dietary study which included 18 countries revealed some great results, including that even moderate intake of legumes, fruits and veggies can help lower risk of CVD and death.

Did you know that consuming caffeine can change your tastebuds? This study showed that it may temporarily adjust perception of sweetness of food and drink!

That's all for now, keep an eye out for more updates soon!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 61: Bacon N’ Egg Breakfast Fried Rice

Recipe ReDux for August is “Rise and Shine with a Savory Breakfast” and as the title implies we were challenged to create a savory, “dinner inspired” breakfast with our own healthy spin. This was a true challenge for me because I tend to like something neutral or sweet for breakfast and it forced me to think outside the box, which was great!  I happened to have some instant brown rice in the freezer, along with some turkey bacon and eggs, so I decided to try my luck at a breakfast style fired rice. I combined those simple three ingredients along with a little butter and green onion and it came out surprisingly delicious.  A few other bonuses are: its easy to make, reheats well for leftovers (so go ahead and double or triple the batch!), not to mention it has a good amount of protein, includes a whole grain and is low in fat.  So I’d say it’s a winner and I hope you will try it along the other savory breakfast creations brought to you by the talented RecipeReDux bloggers!


1.5 cups cooked brown rice
(I used Trader Joes instant microwavable)
1/3 cup diced green onion   
1/2 cup chopped turkey bacon  (fully cooked variety, I used  Trader Joes, nitrate free peppered variety)
1 teaspoon margarine or butter, divided in half
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
shredded cheese for garnish


Begin cooking the rice according to package directions. While the rice is cooking, add ½ teaspoon butter/margarine, the turkey bacon and the green onion to a large skillet, wok or flat saucepan and sauté on medium to high heat for 3-5 minutes stirring constantly (until slightly browned.) Set aside. Whisk the egg in a small bowl, and add it to the pan coated with another 1/2 teaspoon butter/margarine and scramble for 2-3 minutes. Add in the rice, bacon and onions and  cook for about 3-4 minutes until rice is lightly browned and the mixture is warmed through.

Makes 2 cups, 4 servings

Serving size:  ½ cup Calories  130 Protein 6  g Carb 18 g Fiber 2 g Sugars 1  g Fat  4 g Saturated fat  1 g Sodium  160 mg  

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 60 Slow Cooker Taco Soup

July's Recipe ReDux challenge is "beat the heat" with recipes from your slow cooker and I was happy to participate as it has been awhile since I have used mine! Mexican themed dishes are always a favorite in our household so I decided to try my luck with a taco soup-ish recipe.  I simply browned  some turkey in a pan, added it + canned beans/tomatoes/corn and taco seasoning...and that was it.  7-8 hours later you have a hearty flavorful soup reminiscent of chili in a way.  It's great served with tortilla chips and topped with low fat cheese and avocado.  I hope you will try it out and also check out the other yummy recipes from the recipe redux crew!


1.5 pounds extra lean ground turkey
1 tablespoon olive oil
two 28 ounce cans of crushed tomatoes
one 14 ounce can of black beans, rinsed well
one 14 ounce can of pinto beans, rinsed well
one 14 ounce can of kidney beans, rinsed well
one 14 ounce can of corn, rinsed well
2 tablespoon taco seasoning


Coat a large skillet with the olive oil, put in the turkey and lightly brown it for about 7-10 minutes until mostly cooked through.  Add browned turkey, the beans, corn  and taco seasoning to the slow cooker and cook on low heat for 7-8 hours.

Makes 12 cups, 12 servings

Serving size: 1 cup  Calories  235 Protein 22 g Carb 36 g Fiber  g Sugars 9 g Fat 1 g Saturated fat less than 0.5 g Sodium 674 mg


Monday, July 10, 2017

Cool Summer News From the Cranberry Institute

Hope you are all having a great Summer!I just returned from vacation and wanted to share some cool Summer news from the Cranberry Institute, enjoy!!

Follow That Bog!: A Day in the Life of a Cranberry Grower
Over the last few months, we’ve been learning from Jeff LaFleur at Mayflower Cranberries how cranberry growers across the country were gearing up for the growing season.

This summer, we’re taking a trip to Gottschalk Cranberry to visit Fawn Gottschalk and see the next step in the growing process. Last year, Fawnshared with us what it is like to own and operate a cranberry marsh. This year, Fawn will teach us about the bogs and the bees – and share more about how cranberry vines blossom and get pollinated each year.

Check out the video below!  CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO VIEW

Bog Bites: Cranberries & Health
Need a reason for cranberry season? Consider these bites from the bog (or lab):
  • International Journal of Health Sciences & Research published an investigation that evaluated the efficacy of cranberry juice in improving urinary symptoms in women presenting with recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). In this one year, open label, single arm prospective study of 100 female participants, there was significant reduction (around 20%) in the UTI infections as a result of cranberry juice consumption. Moreover, there was also a significant reduction in the mean number of episodes of UTI between pre-Cranberry and post-Cranberry juice time periods. Study authors assert that cranberry juice is a suitable and safer option for women with a risk of UTI. Arain FR. Role of cranberry juice in improving symptoms of recurrent UTI in women of reproductive age group. Int J Health Sci Res. 2017; 7(4):176-182.
  • New cranberry reason?! Researchers hypothesized that cranberry extract would improve the oxidative damage associated with a high-fat diet. They evaluated the effects of cranberry extract on food intake, adiposity, biochemical and hormonal parameters, lipogenic and adipogenic factors, hepatic morphology and oxidative balance in mice. They found that cranberry extract improved the metabolic profile and reduced oxidative damage and steatosis – indicating that it may be possible cranberry could play a role in managing obesity-related disordersPeixoto, T.C., Moura, E.G., de Oliveira, E. et al. Eur J Nutr. 2017. doi:10.1007/s00394-017-1467-2.

Cranberry Health Research Library 
Browse the selections by year to find the most recent publications:

Entertain in Minutes with Cranberry Sauce 
Summer is all about relaxing, having fun – and spending time entertaining with family and friends. But with the weather so warm, why turn on the oven? Cranberry sauce can help you build the perfect no-cook dish that you and your guests will love! Just like jams and honeys, cranberry sauce can be an unexpected – but delicious – sweet addition to a classic cheese plate.

The Summer Guide to Entertaining in Minutes
  1. Always keep a can of cranberry sauce on hand!
  2. Grab some crackers, honey and brie (or your favorite cheese!).
  3. Arrange on a cheese board.
  4. Relax and enjoy!

Bonus: Serve alongside a cranberry spritzer (cranberry juice cocktail + seltzer + lime juice) for a refreshing pairing! 

Feeling inspired? We’ve got 5 More Underappreciated Ways to Enjoy Cranberry Sauce All Summer.
  • Swap it in for mayo or mustard as an easy and delicious sandwich spread
  • Create quick parfaits with layers of plain yogurt, cranberry sauce and fresh fruit
  • Blend cranberry sauce and plain yogurt and freeze for on-the-go ice pops that will please moms and kids
  • Add to a smoothie for a tangy, tart and PAC-filled boost 
  • PB&C: Mix up the classic peanut butter & jelly sandwich by using cranberry sauce and your favorite nut butter

Cranberries for a Cause 
Don’t let your summer cranberry recipes go unnoticed!

The Cranberry Marketing Committee has teamed up with Chef Gaby from What’s Gaby Cookin’ to launch the #SummerCranFan Challenge, encouraging cran fans to share a favorite summer cranberry recipe (either a picture, video or description) to help raise funds for their local food bank

Here’s how it works:
  1. Simply share your summer cranberry recipe on your social media with the hashtag #SummerCranFan
  2. Tag or name your local food bank in your post
  3. The top five mentioned food banks will each receive a $1,000 donation from the Cranberry Marketing Committee

The contest runs from June 12-July 31, 2017. For official rules, visit

Follow us! 
In case you missed it: The Cranberry Institute is on Twitter: @CranInstitute! Please follow us and tag @CranInstitute – along with #CranberryBogBlogger – in your cranberry-inspired posts!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Recipe ReDux Post # 59 and Gabby's Eats Strawberry Brownie Bites

June's Recipe ReDux is Bite Size Desserts to celebrate the 6th birthday of the Recipe ReDux challenge.  One of Gabby's Summer "To Do's" is to create a new recipe so I thought I'd bring her in on this one and so glad I did!!  She suggested we do something with a "brownie" and I also wanted to incorporate Summer into the mix so we decided  to use fresh strawberries for the toppings. This no-bake dessert is super easy to make, SO delicious and fairly low in carbs and sugar too.  We hope you will try them out and the other bite size treats from the Recipe ReDux bloggers!

½ cup creamy or crunchy unsalted natural almond butter (we used Trader Joes Raw Unsalted Crunchy)
3 tablespoons honey
1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder 
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/2  cup oats (old fashioned, not quick)(*use a gluten-free oats such as Bob's Red Mill if you are on a gluten-free diet)
¼ cup chocolate chips, measured, then finely chopped
4 strawberries, each quartered
3 tablespoons whipped cream cheese
Wax or parchment paper

In a medium sized bowl, combine the honey, cocoa, salt and almond butter and mix well.  Stir in the oats and chocolate chips and mix some more. Press mixture into an 8 by 8 inch pan. (Lining the pan with a large rectangular piece of wax/ parchment paper, placing the mixture on one side and then folding the paper over to press down works nicely since the dough is a bit sticky.) Chill in the fridge for an hour or more (if you can wait that long!) or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and cut into 16 squares. Roll each square into a ball, top with 1/2 teaspoon of cream cheese and add one strawberry quarter.  

Makes 16 mini bites

Serving size: 1/16 of recipe, 1 bite  Calories 97 Protein 4 g Carb 9 g Fiber 1 g Sugars 7 g Fat 6 g Saturated fat 1 g Sodium 59 mg

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